Go Through Some of Our FAQs
We offer grooming 5 days a week, Tues to Sat. Appointment times will vary based on the day and season. We typically start booking at 8:30 AM with our last appointment of the day at 2:00 PM. If you have special needs that do not fall within these times, please let our staff know and we will make every effort to accommodate you. Text or Call to John, 725 – 233 – 5012
Our groomers are willing to take appointments as late as 2:00 PM depending on the day of the week and availability.
It is good to have your puppy become familiar with grooming as early as possible after the first set of puppy shots, usually 10 -14 weeks of age. This will help him learn at an early age that grooming is a pleasant experience. Usually, young puppy needs nail and ear check up.
Older pets often need special care and attention. We recommend the style be kept short and easy to maintain to keep the grooming process to a minimum amount of time.
To maintain a proper / manageable coat for non-shedding breeds such as Poodles, Bichons, Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Terriers, you should have your dog groomed every 3-5 weeks. If they are kept in a very short cut, these breeds may be able to go 8-10 weeks. Breeds that have short, shedding coats can usually wait 8-12 weeks between grooming appointments, as long as they are brushed regularly at home.
Generally a dog’s nails need trimming every 4-6 weeks depends on the speed of growing.
We are a husband and wife team so, your puppy will be cared by always same team. Most clients prefer to keep the same groomer. If your dog is nervous and / or you have specific requests, we find that coming back to the same groomer works best because it fosters a relationship between the client, groomer, and dog.
To minimize the stress on the dogs, we prefer they be picked up as soon after they are finished, as possible.
Yes. The groomer will discuss your options and try to achieve the same result.
We prefer hand drying all dogs with a variable speed, high velocity dryer. This allows us to get a better finished look as well as gives us a chance to get a good look at your dog’s skin to asses any potential health issues. If your dog does not tolerate this method, we will use a warm / non-heated air circulating fan to “air dry” the coat.
Our groomers are familiar with most of the breed standards and are very experienced with more popular breeds. Many clients do not groom to the breed standard because of the maintenance required. Also, we encourage you to bring in pictures of previous grooms, if available.
Your satisfaction is very important to us! If you notice something at pick up and one of our staff members are still in, they can often take care of it for you prior to leaving the facility. If you notice something after you leave, we ask that you give us a call within 48 hours so we can arrange a time to tweak the groom while it is still relatively fresh.
These are scent sacs found right under your dog’s tail. Some dogs empty them naturally, some do not. Please consult with your veterinarian. Some veterinarians prefer that groomers NOT express the glands, therefore we do not do this in our salon.
Not necessary, when we create a chart for your puppy, we request you to fill out her / his vet information.